
Masa Bocah Petualang

Some of you might have a peaceful childhood but my childhood was full of drama. Sering berantem waktu masih kecil? Sering musuhan sama temen? Sering diledekin sama temen? Sering diem-dieman sama temen sampai berminggu-minggu? Dan biasanya semua itu terjadi karena masalah yang benar-benar sepele. Super sepele kadang. Diingat-ingat sekarang, kenapa jadi lucu?

The legend of bottle's cap

Dari semua hal yang gak bisa dilakukan, kenapa harus gak bisa buka tutup botol? Why? There are so many things that I am bad at. As human being, I am full of imperfection. Sometimes it is something so simple yet I can’t do it. I even wonder why. It is not like I want to be able to build a spaceship or speak in 56 different languages. I just want to be able to open a bottle’s cap with my bare hands. Yeah, opening a bottle is something that I can’t easily do.

Tauge Toge

Do you have any kind of food that you refuse to eat without a real reason? I had one. I hate this food to the extent almost despised it. If I found it in my food I would diligently try to remove them even it was hard. But sadly, people usually mix them in any kind of food. To be honest, it was one of my hardest times and I didn’t even have a real reason to avoid it. Dan nama makanannya, tauge. Hahaa

The horror of ironing

Banyak benda atau tempat yang dimasukan dalam keajaiban dunia tapi sumpah, orang yang suka nyetrika seharusnya juga termasuk dalam keajaiban dunia.

Acara TV favorite

My all time favorite shows on our TV are Kids Shows that rundown from 12.30 on Trans7.  Berawal dari sering pulang kerja jam 12 siang, tontonan dirumah jadinya cuma Si Unyil, Bolang dan Dunia binatang. Kalau belum ketiduran habis makan siang, bakal lanjut Tau gak sih, sampai Redaksiana. Anak rumahan luar dalem pokoknya.

Dampak minum kopi

Peminum kopi? Kelas berat atau ringan? Ayo angkat tangan. Ada yang belum bisa sepenuhnya berfungsi sebelum ketemu kopi dipagi hari. Kadang belum berbentuk manusia kalau belum minum kopi. Are you one of them?

Ketika pelupa disebut sombong

I can easily remember drama’s casts. Drama, film kalau udah nonton biasanya bakal tetap ingat selamanya. I can recall them up to years ago. Kalau dijadikan kuis, pasti dapat nilai sempurna. Tapi, untuk ingat orang-orang disekeliling… that’s another problem. Really. I can easily remember drama or movies’ casts but can’t remember people around me well.